Flash Output Compensation

Flash output compensation mirip dengan exposure compensation, dimana kita dapa mengatur kekuatan output dari flash. Beberapa kamera digital menggunakan cara seperti EV range (+/-2 EV), sementara ada juga yang menggunakan metoda lebih sederhana seperti "high, normal dan low" setting. Fitur ini berguna untuk mengatasi flash metering yang tidak sempurna, seperti under atau overexposure

Tips befor You buy a new camera

Before You arrive at the store
Talk to others. A recent study showed more than three-quarters of American households own at least one digital camera, so you should take advantage of the knowledge others have gained. Friends and family can be a great resource for learning about which digital cameras work well and which don't. You'll also be able to figure out which features are important to them, which may spark some ideas for you. Opinions posted on the Internet are OK, but face-to-face opinions from people you trust and know are much better.

Figure out how you'll use the camera. If you'll shoot a lot of nature photos, you'll want a large zoom lens. If you're going to shoot your children's athletic events, look for a large zoom lens and fast response times in a digital camera. If most of your photos will be of friends and family at parties, you may want a model that performs well in low-light conditions. If you aren't sure how you'll use the camera, or if you don't have a primary focus for your photography, try to pick a good all-around model.

Figure out what kinds of prints you'll make. Most new digital cameras, even beginner-level, point-and-shoot models, contain plenty of resolution to make adequately sized prints. However, you still need to make sure the digital camera you buy has enough resolution for the print sizes you want. Look at this chart for some advice on how resolution and print size relate to each other.

Figure out what size of camera you want. Some people prefer larger digital cameras that are easy to hold. Others will want a small, thin model that fits easily in a pocket or purse. Finally, some will prefer a model that exudes a sense of style. You'll still need to try any model before you buy it, but you can think about and make some decisions ahead of time on the size and style of the camera you prefer.

Learn the jargon. Read through a digital camera glossary to familiarize yourself with all of the terms and features involved with digital cameras. You'll make a better choice if you have educated yourself.

Set a budget. Figure out how much you want to spend before you reach the store. Once you set a budget, be sure to stick to it.

Figure out how you'll connect. If you have a newer Windows computer, you should have no problem connecting your digital camera to the computer and downloading your pictures. However, if you own a Macintosh or an older Windows computer, you'll want to be sure the digital camera you eventually buy can work with those computers. Be certain you have the ability to create backup copies of all of your photos, whether you burn CDs or use an external hard drive.

After You Arrive at the Store

Be honest about your photography experience level. A common mistake for beginning photographers is buying a digital camera that's too powerful and expensive. If you're a beginner, and the salesperson suggests a point-and-shoot camera, you should listen. Save those more advanced cameras for after you've honed your photography skills.

Try various models. The feel and balance of every digital camera is a little different. Test a few different models and find one that fits your hands.

Make friends with the salesperson. One of the biggest problems with point-and-shoot models involves the LCD. Because so many beginner models now contain no separate viewfinder and only allow you to use the LCD to frame your photo, a high-quality LCD is important. However, some LCDs can be very difficult to use in bright sunlight because of problems with glare. Try to talk your salesperson into allowing you to try the model outside, in the sun, to test the LCD. At the very least, a friendly salesperson might be more willing to give you an honest answer about any LCD problems with a particular model.

Compare prices. If you have plenty of time before you need to buy the camera, do some price comparisons. After you've narrowed your list to two or three different options, write down the price and exact model number. Use the Internet to visit various retailers and compare prices on the models. Read through some of the opinions others have posted about the models. Return to the store and see whether it will match any prices you found online.

Figure out warranty and return information. Before you part with your money, be sure you know the store's return policies and the camera's warranty. Return policies are especially important if you plan to give the digital camera as a gift. Some stores might only accept a return within 14 or 30 days of purchase, which won't help you if your sister's birthday is in 45 days. In that case, you might be better served waiting to purchase the gift until just before her birthday. You'll also have to decide whether you want to purchase the extended warranty, which varies from store to store.

source: http://cameras.about.com/od/buyingguide/a/shopping_check.htm

Tips Camera Maintenance

  1. Avoid dirt and sand. Use care when cleaning dirt particles and sand from your digital camera. Do not use canned or pressurized air to clean the sand, as you might just drive the particles into the camera case. Budget priced camera cases might not be sealed perfectly, making it easier for grit and sand to penetrate the case and cause damage. Gently blow out the grit and sand to avoid this problem. Use care when shooting photos on a windy day at the beach, too, where sand can blow with excessive force. Avoid opening the battery compartment on such days.
  2. Avoid liquids. Try to keep all liquids away from the camera, unless you have a model with a waterproof case. Cameras are like any piece of electronics, and they can be damaged by excessive water.
  3. Avoid touching the lens and LCD. Oils from your skin can smudge the lens and LCD, eventually causing permanent damage. Clean the lens and LCD with a microfiber cloth as soon as possible anytime you see a smudge from your fingertips.
  4. The lens and sun don't mix. Do not point your camera's lens directly at the sun for any length of time, especially with a DSLR camera. Sunlight focused through the lens of the camera could damage the image sensor or even start a fire inside the camera.
  5. Use cleaning liquids with care. Avoid using an excessive amount of cleaning liquid with your camera. In fact, other than stubborn smudges, you should be able to clean the camera with a dry microfiber cloth. If a liquid is needed, place a few drops of the liquid on the cloth, rather than directly on the camera. Water can be used in place of cleaning liquid as well.
  6. Vacuum the bag. Dirt and sand inside your camera bag could damage your camera, so be sure to vacuum the bag regularly to keep it clean and protect your camera.
  7. Watch the temperature. Although some cameras are designed to survive harsh temperatures, most cameras are not. Do not leave your camera in a sunny vehicle, where temperatures quickly can exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid leaving the camera in direct sunlight, which can damage the plastic. Finally, avoid extreme cold, too, which could damage the LCD.
  8. Use neck straps and wrist loops. Admittedly, this is more of a "preventative" maintenance tip, but be sure to use neck straps and wrist loops with your camera whenever possible as you're shooting photos outside. If you slip while hiking, or if you lose the grip on your camera near the pool, the straps can save your camera from a potentially disastrous fall. Better safe than sorry.

Digital camera maintenance doesn't have to be difficult. These simple tips show that keeping your digital camera clean can be fairly easy and can help you keep the camera in working condition as long as possible.

source  http://cameras.about.com/od/troubleshooting/a/maintaining_cameras_tips.htm

Exposure Compensation

Sistem metering kamera kadang-kadang akan menentukan nilai eksposur yang tidak tepat untuk mengekspos gambar dengan baik. Hal ini dapat dikoreksi oleh fitur "EV Compensation" fitur yang terdapat di prosumer dan kamera profesional. Biasanya EV Compensation berkisar antara -2.0 hingga +2.0 EV dengan interval 0,5 atau 0,3 EV. Beberapa SLR digital memiliki rentang EV kompensasi yang lebih luas, misalnya dari -5.0 EV ke +5.0 EV.

Penting untuk dipahami bahwa meningkatkan EV compensation sebesar 1 adalah setara dengan mengurangi EV dengan 1 yang berarti akan menambah dua kali lipat jumlah cahaya. Misalnya jika mode otomatis kamera menunjukan Anda harus menggunakan aperture dari f / 8 dan shutterspeed 1/125s pada ISO dari 100 (13 EV) dan gambar yang dihasilkan muncul kurang terang (misalnya dengan melihat histogram), menerapkan a + 1.0 kompensasi eksposur EV akan menyebabkan kamera menggunakan shutterspeed dari 1/60s atau aperture dari f/5.6 untuk memungkinkan lebih banyak cahaya (12 EV).

Semakin Anda terbiasa dengan sistem metering kamera anda, anda sudah bisa menerapkan kompensasi EV sebelum menembak. Misalnya jika Anda akan mengambil highlight dan suasana cerah, Anda dapat mengatur kompensasi EV untuk -0.3 atau -0.7 EV.

AF Servo

Autofocus Servo adalah kemampuan camera untuk tetap focus pada object/subject yang bergerak, fitur ini biasanya hanya ditemukan pada SLR Digital. Fitur ini sangat umum digunakan untuk kebutuhan photography olahraga atau wildlife.

Autofocus Servo dapat digunakan dengan mengaktifkan focus mode AI Servo (untuk camera keluaran Canon) atau Continues (untuk Camera Nikon). Aksi yang diperlukan selanjutnya adalah dengan menekan setengah dari shutter. Saat shutter kita tekan setengah, kamera akan terus focus terhadap subject berdasar aturan focusnya dan aturan focus setting kita.

source: dpreview

DIY: Mini Studio Box

Featured by: wwwdermomentcom

Anda mungkin tertarik untuk memotret produk, namun mini studio box yang ditawarkan terlalu menguras kocek. Moga-moga posting video yang saya temukan di YouTube dapat bermanfaat.

Bila uang tidak menjadi masalah, kepraktisan produk juga menjadi point utama Anda, dapat dicoba untuk mengunjungi link berikut.

Basic Photography Lighting for Glassware Object

featured by: prophotolife

Ide yang banyak ditampilkan adalah refleksi atau pembiasan yang terjadi pada objek gelas itu sendiri. Inspiratif.